Perceptive IT

Property Services

Cybercrime is a danger to everyone who trusts you.


Cybercrime is a danger to everyone who trusts you.

You've worked hard on your Property services business

Imagine the embarrassment of having to notify your clients, partners and authorities, that because of you, their information may now also be in the hands of cybercriminals; paying pricey emergency IT fees while your operations are halted or severely limited for days or weeks, data loss, lost clients, potential lawsuits or government fines for violating data-breach laws. Your bank account drained, with no bank protection.

It doesn't have to be that way

Discover how to secure yourself and your data, take advantage of our with a CyberSecurity pen test. Learn how easy it is for hackers to get to your information if you’re not keeping track of it. Make sure your team is adhering to good cyber hygiene.

Get my free CyberSecurity Risk Assessment

Only about 50% of Property Services business are prepared to prevent or mitigate acyber attacks.

With an annual turnover of £68.3bn in the UK alone, the motivation & attraction for cyber crimnals is high.

39% of business experienced a cyber-security breach or attack in 2021.

Property Services professionals are especially vulnerable to cyber attacks because they deal with finances and handle sensitive personal client data, bank account info etc

How can you tell if your Property Services business is at risk of a cyber attack?

Security starts with a risk assessment

How it works


Perform pen test / Run our diagnostic scanner


We will analyse your results and present our findings as to what a hacker would find on your network. This will include cloud drives, One Drive, DropBox, Box, SharePoint and other file-sharing programs.

No software installed

meaning your current IT provider never needs to know

No agents or probes

that lurk on your system for weeks on end.

Fast scan

with a mid-sized network only taking around 30 minutes to complete

Flexible approach

let our experts run the scan or easily run it yourself

What you'll get

With our Pen Test you get to see exactly what hackers can get to—steal or lock down—if your network was breached. Wouldn’t you want to do something about that BEFORE someone tries to break in?

On completion we’ll analyse and present a clear Risk Report outlining our findings with Risk Score analysis of any potential issues we uncover. We’ll discuss these findings with you and advise of any improvements or action you may need to take to make sure you follow best practice security standards and are fully protected.

What we will analyse

Discover whether your network has vulnerabilities resulting from patch management issues.

Our scanner will test whether your firewalls are configured correctly and report issues if they did not appropriately alarm. Using multilayered boundaries, including a firewall, Intrusion Prevention and Intrusion Detection are more critical today than ever before.

Learn if your team is using stale, repeated or crackable passwords for accounts on your network. Security best practices for handling passwords and credentials are employed.

Determine where sensitive data is stored on your network and make sure it’s being guarded. Hackers commonly exploit both your network and data assets when attacking your network.

Determine if you have an appropriate cyber stack that will respond to a simulated virus attack. Deployment of a solution which controls the installation, spread, and execution of malicious code at multiple points is critical.

Gauge where your cybersecurity is today. Learn whether data encryption, along with information about what a hacker can see around an infected device. Determine if your network would withstand an attack (even on one machine!).

Unfortunately, cybercriminals rely on the common belief that just because you’ve been able to avoid an incident like this in the past, you’re safe now.

Book your free no-obligation, confidential Property services CyberSecurity Risk Assessment

Don't be the next victim of a cyber-attack - take advantage of our FREE, no obligation, cyber security risk assessment (Pen Test) to ensure your defences are up to scratch.

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